We offer build-to-need expertise in cognitive, AI and machine learning solution development:
We work with big data to deliver solutions that meet the highest standards of excellence.
Do you know according to Gartner, more than 75% of all businesses who undertake data projects face significant challenges in providing a positive ROI.
They have gone one step further and claimed even analytics insights will not deliver net positive outcomes until 2022. That's 3 more years. 3 years of investments, without significant results. 36 months of business frustration. 144 weeks of disillusionment.
In today's markets, 3 years is almost a lifetime!
Is it too much to ask for results from AI service?
Can your business afford the wait?
While everyone is trying to find a way to make it work. The truth is, there are no short-cuts to success.
This doesn't mean that it is impossible! There are still about 25% of projects out there that do see success. The key difference between the ones that are successful and the others is a simple thing - experience.
Would you trust your business and its model on a high-risk, un-proven maverick idea or take the tried and tested approach?
TechFerry has a successful track record in making data science work for enterprises.
We understand and feel your pain.
We don't provide Data Scientists. We're not a staffing company. We deliver data science-driven results.
That is why we are extending this great offer to you for a limited time.
Why should you, as a business owner take the risk and get no returns?
We say, you pay when data scientist actually delivers results. It’s that simple. – Pay for Results, not for people.
Start today with TechFerry's result-based Data Scientists. Visit TechFerry - www.TechFerry.com