Part 3: RESTful Web Service - JAX-RS Annotations
This tutorial is part 3 of 5-part tutorial on JEE annotations.
We recommend that you read Prerequisite section first,
review the abstract and
Example Application to understand the context.
You can also jump to other parts by clicking on the links below.
RESTful Web Service - JAX-RS Annotations - Contents:
Annotation | Package Detail/Import statement |
@GET | import; |
@Produces | import; |
@Path | import; |
@PathParam | import; |
@QueryParam | import; |
@POST | import; |
@Consumes | import; |
@FormParam | import; |
@PUT | import; |
@DELETE | import; |
As stated earlier in Example Application, we are
using Jersey for RESTful Web services and JAX-RS annotations.
REST follows one-to-one mapping between create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations and HTTP methods.
- To create a resource on the server, use POST.
- To retrieve a resource, use GET.
- To change the state of a resource or to update it, use PUT.
- To remove or delete a resource, use DELETE.
Annotate your Get request methods with @GET.
public String getHTML() {
@Produces annotation specifies the type of output this method (or web service) will produce.
public Contact getXML() {
public Contact getJSON() {
@Path annotation specify the URL path on which this method will be invoked.
public Contact getXML() {
We can bind REST-style URL parameters to method arguments using @PathParam annotation as shown below.
public Contact getXML(@PathParam("firstName") String firstName) {
Contact contact = contactService.findByFirstName(firstName);
return contact;
public Contact getJSON(@PathParam("firstName") String firstName) {
Contact contact = contactService.findByFirstName(firstName);
return contact;
Request parameters in query string can be accessed using @QueryParam annotation as shown below.
public CompanyList getJSON(@QueryParam("start") int start, @QueryParam("limit") int limit) {
CompanyList list = new CompanyList(companyService.listCompanies(start, limit));
return list;
The example above returns a list of companies (with server side pagination) which can be displayed with rich clients implemented using Ext-js or jQuery.
You can read more more about setting up
ExtJS grid panel with remote sorting and pagination using Hibernate.
Annotate POST request methods with @POST.
public RestResponse<Contact> create(Contact contact) {
The @Consumes annotation is used to specify the MIME media types a REST resource can consume.
public RestResponse<Contact> update(Contact contact) {
The REST resources will usually consume XML/JSON for the complete Entity Bean.
Sometimes, you may want to read parameters sent in POST requests directly and you can do that using @FormParam annotation.
GET Request query parameters can be accessed using @QueryParam annotation.
public String save(@FormParam("firstName") String firstName,
@FormParam("lastName") String lastName) {
Annotate PUT request methods with @PUT.
public RestResponse<Contact> update(Contact contact) {
Annotate DELETE request methods with @DELETE.
public RestResponse<Contact> delete(@PathParam("contactId") int contactId) {
- Jersey JAX-RS Annotations: